Dans la même rubrique
Doctorant PDR - FNRS (WEAVE)
Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales
Centre de recherche Mondes Modernes & Contemporains
Campus du Solbosch - CP 133/01
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
B-1050 Bruxelles
In 2022, I finished my Master in History at the VUB, magna cum laude, with a masterthesis on the War recognition of Belgian colonial veterans in the metropole between 1917 and 1951. For this paper I received the Debock-Doehaerd prize for best master thesis with a historical orientation. As of January 2024, I started working on ‘Rebel Soldiers on trial: Military agency and its repression in colonial Congo between 1885-1960' (Weave FNRS/FWO), as a doctoral student at the ULB. This project centers around the topics of colonial violence, the military courts, and their shaping of Congolese agency within the Force Publique.