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Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales
Centre de recherche Mondes Modernes & Contemporains
Campus du Solbosch - CP 133/01
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
B-1050 Bruxelles
My PhD thesis, entitled “Dreaming and selling a nation: Lithuanian propaganda and crowdfunding, 1900–1923” was successfully defended in June 2023. It examines what appear as the early attempts of “nation branding” by Lithuanian activists who were engaged in the promotion of a nation-state project to both foreign and domestic audiences. Currently a postdoctoral researcher, I work on the Polish case study of mass communication and politics.
- Since October 2023: visiting researcher at the University of Oxford, Wolfson college (Wiener-Anspach postdoctoral fellowship).
- 2017–2023: doctoral researcher (ULB, F.R.S-FNRS Research Fellow)
Research interests
- Early twentieth century East Central Europe in global perspective.
- Mass communication and politics.
- Nationalism studies.
- R. J. C. Adams, Vaida Nikšaitė, “Ethnic Fundraising in America and the Irish and Lithuanian Wars of Independence, 1918–1923”, The Historical Journal, 65:3, 2022, pp. 707–729.
- Vaida Nikšaitė, “Les procès par contumace des militaires allemands en Belgique”, 20&21 Revue d’Histoire, 147, 2020, pp. 31–43.
- Vaida Nikšaitė, book review of Maarten Van Ginderachter, The Everyday Nationalism of Workers: A Social History of Modern Belgium, Contemporanea, T. XLII, 2, 2020.
- “Nation branding – professionals versus patriots. Lithuanian propaganda in 1919”, workshop Heritage and propaganda: perspectives from Lithuania and Belgium”, Vilnius University, 4 October 2021.
- “Turning investors into citizens: war bond drives in Lithuania, 1919–1922”, webinar Bullets & Banknotes: war financing through the 20th century, Oriel college, University of Oxford, 13 November 2020.
- “Pre-Sovereign Debt: The Financing of the Unrecognised Lithuanian and Irish Republics in Their Wars of Independence, 1919–23” (with R. J. C. Adams), Baltic connections: conference in Social Science History, University of Helsinki, 22 March 2019.
- “Dreaming a Nation, Selling a State? Propaganda and mass politics: the Lithuanian case, 1884–1923”, workshop New Perspectives on Late Modern European History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1 June 2018.